G&H Towing is committed to fostering the next generation of mariners! Every year we offer students from top U.S. Maritime Academies the opportunity to apply to our summer cadet program. Cadets apply through and are selected by their academy; they acquire their necessary credentials– such as Merchant Mariner and their TWIC card– and after a several days orientation are assigned to join G&H vessels for a 5 day on and 2 days off watch schedule.
This year we hosted from May to August 11 young mariners from Texas A&M Maritime, San Jac Maritime, Great Lakes Maritime, Massachusetts Maritime, Maine Maritime, California Maritime, Kings Point, and SUNY Maritime. We hope to see them back at G&H once they graduate!
Meet the Cadets!
Quinn Alskne-Liles served on the HUNTER M
“From the initial day aboard the HUNTER M, the Pride of a Fleet was fully apparent in both professional behavior and expectations as well as care of the state-of-the-art facilities. The pride of the Hunter M immediately came upon me, and I was overwhelmed with respect for the opportunities which lay ahead… Sincere appreciation goes to Captain Bryan, Todd and Kevin. I now have a passion and respect for this industry I could not have gleaned from a PowerPoint nor a professor.”
George Bellenger on the JUDY MORAN
“From my first time stepping onboard, the JUDY MORAN Captain Matthews and Captain Fabain took me under their wing and showed me step by step all the operations of a harbor tug as well as being mentors to me teaching me lessons that I will be able to use throughout my career. In order to understand every part of the tug, I spent time shadowing every member of the crew…I did everything from learning the proper way to maintain and repair the vessel to being able to drive and experience how the tugs handle and complete their jobs in a way I had never experienced before. With the mates, I learned how to properly prepare and run drills as well as how to complete inspections of safety equipment. I am extremely grateful for all the lessons that were taught to me which helped me become an effective member of the crew and will make me a better Mate in the future.”
Justin Brady on the ZYANA K
“Doing a commercial sea term on harbor tugs really opens the eyes to how many more jobs there are for deck cadets once they graduate. You don’t have to go to sea for months at a time to make money. You can make a good living by staying brown water with a much better schedule. Plus, the job is much mor fun because you actually get to operate the vessel rather than setting a course and putting it on autopilot for however many days at a time.”
Cameron Chueca on the LAMAR
“The LNG tugboat Lamar was the best boat for me because it never moved, I got to do a lot more hands on maintenance due to the fact that it rarely moved from its dock. What I have learned in the past 7 weeks is how to do weekly and monthly maintenance on a tugboat and what life is like for a engineer on a tug boat. I would have to say that this career path and company as of right now is one of my top picks for where I will apply after college.”
John (Jack) Moses on the THE DOLPHIN
“During my time at G&H Towing, I experienced nothing but the utmost respect, and was encouraged to ask questions in order to learn as much as possible during my time. Both crews were effective in teaching me necessary skills and procedures, as well as giving me a more complete idea of the manner in which the business functions. Each time I was on board, I was continuously learning about the maritime industry and G&H Towing’s role within it.”
Shane Neumbach on the LAURA B
“All the crews I worked with were willing to help me learn and teach me about everything and anything. I was also able to drive the boat numerous times which was a very cool experience. I would recommend cadets that are interested in learning more about tugboats or know they want to work on tugboats to come to G&H for their summer sea term. It is a great opportunity, and you are able to learn a lot about the operations that take place while doing jobs.”
Mia Rathsack on the OCEANUS
“During my time at G&H, I have learned so many lessons that will benefit me in my future career in the maritime industry. When I first embarked on the tug, I had no idea what to expect, now I am excited to see where my future takes me… I am looking forward to eventually coming back and working at G&H.”
Amanda Ringo on the DAVID B
“The time spent with G & H Towing has easily and by far been the best cadet shipping/internship experience I have ever had. I was put on the David B for the duration of my internship. My learning, development, and the outstanding personnel aboard this tug helped me to decide for sure (hands down) that G & H Towing is where I will be applying as soon as I get my 3rd Mates license in June of 2023. As co-President of the tug club at USMMA, I will also be graduating with my TOAR endorsement, and I will be keeping G & H Towing Company in mind as I complete my TOAR course at USMMA this Fall trimester.”
Allan Rivera Negron on the CLAXTON
“Working at different times of the day, learning what the life of a harbor tug sailor. To listening to the stories the crew had to share about their time at sea and their time with the company. Everyone told me it’s a great company that helps and cares about their employees into upgrading to better things. It has been an unique experience, can say I have enjoyed my time here and I hope, I get the chance to come back next year and after I graduate the chance to be part of this amazing company and be part of the growth of such company. That keeps growing bigger and bigger each year with new boats coming out and hopefully I get to work in one in the future.”
Alex Tartaglia on the CECIL M
“The experience that I have gained as a cadet shipping with G&H Towing has showed me the life aboard a harbor tug. Both crews on the CECIL M took me in and helped me learn as much as possible while making sure I was in a safe working environment. The crew explained the use of all equipment and answered all questions. When I first started, throwing lines and tying up the boat was a struggle. Quickly I learned how to tie up at different docks with the help of the crew. They showed me different techniques on how to put lines out faster. I also received a lot of boat handling experience as my captains and mates explained to me how Z-drives work. I was allowed to lightboat from different ports and to and from jobs.”
Cadyn Zeutenhorst on the T/V POSEIDON and LAMAR.
“The crews I worked with were incredibly helpful and patient, and I couldn’t have asked for a better working environment. I was glad to have been able to help out not just the AB’s, but everyone on board with certain duties that helped me learn more about day-to-day operations. I am confident that my experience this summer won’t just help me at school, but for years to come when I graduate and eventually find a job.”